Texel ArtsTexel Arts

About Us

What we do

Texel Arts was founded in Fall 2022 by two veteran graphics and UI/UX engineers who grew up during the golden age of console and PC gaming, a time where graphics technology, animation and artificial intelligence were pushing the boundaries of what video games could bring.

Over the past year, our team has grown to include expertise in operations and AI.

From the very start, we set three prime directives for ourselves:

  1. Do not make games if the process isn't fun.
  2. Design games for your audience.
  3. Deliver on time.

Do not lie. Even to oneself.

How we do it

At TA, we stress on perfecting the art of rendering ‘texels’. Texels are our bridge between reality and simulation. To do this, we use a process we lovingly call ‘Texelation’.

‘Texelation’ - a process through which we create a convergence between photography and virtual environments; we lean on the forces of neural radiance and visual reconstruction to enable us to create life-like virtual environments.

We are strong believers in open source technology and its ability to raise the lowest common denominator for game development.

We are also deeply committed to Open Development, engaging with our community directly from an early stage, and making sure their input is heard, discussed, and used.

Our Journey

onwards to ∞
September, 2022

Texel Arts was established in September 2022 with three key founding team members. Aaditya and Yash set up TA as Co-Founders and were joined by Sukrit Ganesh who focuses on AI and software development. All three founding members of TA grew up during the golden age of console and PC gaming, a time where graphic technology, animation and artificial intelligence were pushing the boundaries of what video games could bring. TA focuses on using cutting-edge AI and graphics technology to simulate highly realistic environments for gameplay.

June, 2023

As we expand our team, we are thrilled to welcome Neha as the COO. With over 15 years of experience across private equity, investment banking and entrepreneurship, Neha brings her business acumen and experience with launching start-ups successfully. She also leads several creative initiatives at TA.

January, 2024

Texel Arts HQ has moved to Oakton, VA! As we continue on our mission, we at Texel Arts have settled on the East Coast, just a few hours away from Washington D.C.

Onwards Together

Are you a game developer, game designer or product manager looking for new opportunities?
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